29 research outputs found

    Model checking techniques for runtime testing and QoS analysis

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    Los sistemas software y hardware se encuentran cada vez más presentes en nuestras vidas, en multitud de campos de aplicación y de cualquier tamaño. El análisis de estos sistemas es una tarea dura pero necesaria para garantizar que cumplan con sus requisitos. Estos requisitos pueden ser de varios tipos, como evitar comportamientos erróneos u ofrecer un rendimiento satisfactorio. Existen muchas técnicas y herramientas diseñadas para atacar este problema. Por lo general, se aplican distintas técnicas dependiendo del tipo de sistema, fase de desarrollo o tipo de análisis. El model checking es una de estas técnicas de análisis. Un model checker analiza el espacio de estados de un sistema para comprobar si el sistema cumple una propiedad dada. Sin embargo, según aumenta la complejidad del sistema a analizar, su espacio de estados crece rápidamente, hasta llegar a un punto en el que no es factible analizarlo. En esta tesis proponemos una solución integrada basada en model checking para analizar sistemas cuyo comportamiento pueda ser observado en forma de trazas de ejecución. Hemos llamado a esta solución OptySim. Nuestra solución permite acceder a sistemas externos de una forma uniforme, permitiendo realizar distintos tipos de análisis sobre diferentes tipos de sistemas de una forma más homogénea. OptySim trata con un conjunto de trazas de ejecución, que representan un subconjunto del espacio de estados completo del sistema. Para obtener dichas trazas el sistema se ejecuta repetidas veces, posiblemente variando parámetros del sistema de acuerdo a las instrucciones del usuario, generándose una traza por cada ejecución. El contenido de las trazas depende de cada sistema, y además puede variar dependiendo de las necesidades del análisis. Para ello se pueden aplicar una de las proyecciones que se han definido, y que transforman trazas completas en trazas abstractas con una menor, pero suficiente para los propósitos del análisis, cantidad de información. El análisis está guiado por uno o más objetivos establecidos por el usuario, tales como asertos o fórmulas de lógica temporal (LTL), y que le dan al análisis el significado pretendido por el usuario. Los objetivos pueden indicar tanto propiedades deseables del sistema, por ejemplo una meta de rendimiento, como propiedades que no deben ocurrir, por ejemplo una condición de error. OptySim se ha aplicado a varios casos de estudio en varias áreas y con distintos propósitos, para demostrar su utilidad. En primer lugar se ha integrado con el simulador de redes ns-2, para análisis de fiabilidad y rendimiento, optimización de parámetros, y validación y ajuste de modelos. Para el segundo grupo de casos de estudio, se ha integrado con una máquina virtual de Java para analizar programas escritos en dicho lenguaje de programación. En esta ocasión, todos los casos de estudio están enfocados a la depuración de programas

    Generic skills of Cei-A3 Universities (Agrifood Campus of International Excellence)

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe pretende realizar un análisis de las competencias transversales de las distintas universidades que componen el consorcio del Campus de Excelencia Internacional en Agroalimentación (CeiA3). Como resultado se observa que existen un número escaso de competencias comunes, siendo de vital importancia la incorporación de las competencias transversales comunes a los estudios universitarios de las universidades del CeiA3 ya que constituyen un elemento integrador y vertebrador del campus de excelencia internacional agroalimentario.ES

    Active learning experiences using Clickers in university

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe plantea una metodología de aprendizaje proactivo de los estudiantes centrada en el uso de mandos de respuesta interactiva (clickers), complementados con cuestionarios inicial y final. Este método ha sido implantado en las prácticas de laboratorio de Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería de la Universidad de Córdoba, usando tecnología Turning Point ®, dentro del marco de un proyecto de innovación docente. Se realizó una evaluación cuantitativa mediante una encuesta de satisfacción, contestada por 80 alumnos. Y mediante análisis cualitativo a través de las encuestas de la labor docente del profesorado implicado en este proyecto y las calificaciones medias obtenidas por los alumnos en las prácticas. Se ha obtenido más de un 70% de satisfacción del método en relación con el aprendizaje: participación en clase, facilidad para expresar su opinión en clase, estar pendiente de las explicaciones, y ayuda para asimilar los conceptos. Los aspectos menos valorados han sido el fomento del trabajo en grupo (51%) y el aprendizaje de la herramienta (61%). En resumen, la experiencia ha sido valorada muy positivamente.ES

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Energy Use at the University of Almeria (Spain)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused chaos in many sectors and industries. In the energy sector, the demand has fallen drastically during the first quarter of 2020. The University of Almeria campus also declined the energy consumption in 2020, and through this study, we aimed to measure the impact of closing the campus on the energy use of its different facilities. We built our analysis based upon the dataset collected during the year 2020 and previous years; the patterns evolution through time allowed us to better understand the energy performance of each facility during this exceptional year. We rearranged the university buildings into categories, and all the categories reduced their electricity consumption share in comparison with the previous year of 2019. Furthermore, the portfolio of categories presented a wide range of ratios that varied from 56% to 98%, the library category was found to be the most influenced, and the research category was found to be the least influenced. This opened questions like why some facilities were influenced more than others? What can we do to reduce the energy use even more when the facilities are closed? The university buildings presented diverse structures that revealed differences in energy performance, which explained why the impact of such an event (COVID-19 pandemic) is not necessarily relevant to have equivalent variations. Nevertheless, some management deficiencies were detected, and some energy savings measures were proposed to achieve a minimum waste of energy

    Wind Turbines Offshore Foundations and Connections to Grid

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    Most offshore wind farms built thus far are based on waters below 30 m deep, either using big diameter steel monopiles or a gravity base. Now, offshore windfarms are starting to be installed in deeper waters and the use of these structures—used for oil and gas like jackets and tripods—is becoming more competitive. Setting aside these calls for direct or fixed foundations, and thinking of water depths beyond 50 m, there is a completely new line of investigation focused on the usage of floating structures; TLP (tension leg platform), Spar (large deep craft cylindrical floating caisson), and semisubmersible are the most studied. We analyze these in detail at the end of this document. Nevertheless, it is foreseen that we must still wait sometime before these solutions, based on floating structures, can become truth from a commercial point of view, due to the higher cost, rather than direct or fixed foundations. In addition, it is more likely that some technical modifications in the wind turbines will have to be implemented to improve their function. Regarding wind farm connections to grid, it can be found from traditional designs such as radial, star or ring. On the other hand, for wind generator modeling, classifications can be established, modeling the wind turbine and modeling the wind farm. Finally, for the wind generator control, the main strategies are: passive stall, active stall, and pitch control; and when it is based on wind generation zone: fixed speed and variable speed. Lastly, the trend is to use strategies based on synchronous machines, as the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and the wound rotor synchronous generator (WRSG)

    Research on Devices for Handling Whole Slide Images on Pathology Workstations. An Ergonomic Outlook

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    Background Digital Pathology represents a technological innovation that introduces changes in the traditional tasks of pathologists. In this regard, an important issue that has not been enough emphasized is the image handling from an ergonomic point of view to avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). The aim of this study was to investigate a proper input device for digital pathology. Material & Methods Research was conducted in two phases: (1). A comparative study to find out an optimal external controller. Eight medical students analyzed 11 input devices: keyboard (Hewlett Packard, HP), conventional mouse (HP), vertical mouse (CLS), touchpad (Logitech), 3 trackballs (Logitech, Kensington Expert and Ulove), Rollermouse (Contour), Ergopointer (Märzhäuser Sensotech), gamepad (Logitech) and a touchless device (Leap Motion Controller), using them with the Image Viewer software (Ventana). The web-based Fitts´ law test (UC Berkeley) was used to objectify the accuracy of each used device, randomly. 12 items were included in the questionnaire: comfort, technical aspects (cursor movement and objective achievement), prospects, overall satisfaction, prior experience, and others. (2). Evaluation by two experienced pathologists of the best rated input device on the previous experiment and its comparison with a voice recognition system (Invox Medical Dictation, Vocali) using a headset microphone (Plantronics). Perceived workload was scored using the NASA Task Load Index on 28 whole slide images visualized on the Digital Image Hub (Leica) platform with a 4 MegaPixel display (Barco). Data were processed with SPSS 21.0. Results Correlation between technical aspects of the evaluated devices and accuracy (Fitts´ law test), and comfort with overall satisfaction, was demonstrated (p<0.05). Comparative analysis of the 11 input devices concluded that vertical mouse was the best rated input device. However, on the second phase of the study, we find a slightly higher perceived workload using this device than using the voice recognition system, which was the best controller in digital pathology from an ergonomic point of view in this study. Conclusions We describe a methodology that can study and compare input devices for future workstations in digital pathology. Pathologists should be involved in this process trying to find ergonomic devices that prevent MSD. Voice recognition can function as a good handsfree device for digital pathology and could be considered in physical disability situations. Further studies using electromyography, accelerometry and 3D reconstruction analysis could provide additional ergonomic information

    The use of interactive response systems as a tool to favor proactive learning in Engineering

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha permitido el surgimiento de herramientas didácticas en el campo de la educación, proporcionando herramientas prácticas para apoyar a las clases presenciales. En este contexto, los sistemas electrónicos de respuesta estudiantil pueden ser útiles para introducir un elemento tecnológico motivador en las lecciones, así como una nueva metodología. En este estudio, además del uso de los sistemas de respuesta interactiva o clickers, se ha introducido la tecnología de aprendizaje móvil mediante la elaboración de una metodología de uso de las herramientas Kahoot y Telegram en la asignatura "Fundamentos Físicos en la Ingeniería II" del Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial. El Departamento de Física Aplicada de la Universidad de Córdoba tiene una amplia experiencia en el uso de Clickers en clases teóricas con grupos grandes para diferentes grados universitarios, pero ahora el uso de tecnologías móviles de aprendizaje se ha introducido en grupos de tamaño medio para clases prácticas. Usando esta nueva metodología, los estudiantes de grupos medianos realizan un cuestionario durante la lección de resolución de problemas, donde utilizaron sus conocimientos adquiridos durante la clase. La realización del cuestionario permite a los profesores evaluar en tiempo real el nivel del estudiante y utilizar la retroalimentación para abordar los problemas iniciales y los malentendidos. Los resultados muestran que los sistemas de respuesta interactiva son altamente valorados por los estudiantes, que lo perciben como una herramienta para mejorar el aprendizaje y aumentar la competencia en el aula.The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has enabled the emergence of teaching tools in the education field, providing practical tools to support face-to-face classes. In this context, electronic student response systems can be useful for introducing a motivating technological element into the lessons, as well as a new methodology. In this study, in addition to the use of interactive response systems or clickers, mobile learning technology has been introduced by developing a methodology for using the Kahoot and Telegram tools in the subject “Physical Foundations of Engineering II” of Electronic Engineering Degree. Department of Applied Physics of University of Cordoba has a broad experience using Clickers in theory classes with large groups for different university degrees, but now the use of mobile learning technologies has been introduced in medium-sized groups for practical classes. Using this new methodology, students of medium-sized groups perform a quiz during the problem solving lesson, where they utilized their knowledge gained during the class. The completion of the quiz allows teachers to assess the student’s level in real time, and to use the feedback to address initial problems and misunderstandings. Results show the interactive response systems are highly valued by students, who perceive it as a tool to improve learning and increase competition in the classroom

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries(1,2). However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world(3) and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health(4,5). However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol-which is a marker of cardiovascular riskchanged from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million-4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world.Peer reviewe